Hello from Wellington!

It’s been so crazy awesome. So it’s my third plane trip (back and forth from Bali is considered two :P) and then i had a transit from Sydney! Technically, i have been to Sydney now, even though it’s just for an hour. HAHAHAH.

The temporary place i am living in is brilliant. I especially love the artwork they have at the lobby.     Also, i have been eating many fruits grown from NZ.   

So, first week-ish has passed and it’s been awesome, really. I’m settling okay with the new job (still feeling noob-ish but that will pass soon) and i’m still living in the hotel. Indah and I got a house to live in. YES A HOUSE, A FREAKING HOUSE HOW GREAT IS THAT? I’ve always wanna live in a house and now i can, for at least a while. :3 It’s pretty cold here, but it seems to be getting warmer now. It’s really the winds that kill you. There was once that i had to hold on to the traffic light pole and onto Indah, and while we were laughing about it, across the street, a lady was holding onto the pole too. It was ridiculous! Just last Friday too, i felt an earthquake for the first time. I hope no one got hurt, but that was pretty cool.

First, i got a little taste of Wellywood. I saw dwarves from the hobbit, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost and Peter Jackson while standing outside of the premiere at The World’s End (no i didn’t go in hahaha). Pics thanks to Indah and Adrian.
47402_10151587142738031_234216180_nFood is a problem here. Not that there’s lack of vegan food, but there’s so much free food that i kinda went back to being a vegetarian again. And yes, i gained weight a week in. I already had a tummy.

It’s nice to sit by the beach at a burger joint, and by the way – best vege tofu burger i have tasted so far. Portions are huge too. 😛015016 I went to the Weta Cave! It’s small but brilliant. I’m surprised i came out empty handed. There is just SO many things i wanna buy. But yeah, maybe one day. Hehe. 017018019020021022023024025026027028029030031032033034035036037038039040041 Wellington is such a beautiful place, so it sucks to capture them in pictures, they don’t do her justice. And this is just one city, i’m sure there’s so many places in NZ that i haven’t been to that is probably going to take my breath away, over and over.046


All you have to remember in this place is  to try to keep yourselves warm from the chilly wind. So thanks for the welcome package, Michaela! I love the gloves especially. :))))

And yes i miss my homies (haha messy table in the hotel room). Take care of yourselves!

Till now, it’s still so surreal. I CAN’T BELIEVE I’M IN NEW ZEALAND!!!! WOO WOOOO
That is all. 😛 I will try to keep this updated now and then!

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